Tuesday 09/05/2023
““No matter how much you accomplish today, tomorrow will come with more opportunities.””
A.3 Barbell Bench Presses at Max Load:
Warm up with lighter weights.
Find your 3-rep max with proper form and technique.
B. Max Strict Muscle-Ups:
Attempt an unbroken set of strict muscle-ups to failure and record the max reps.
If unable to perform a rep, scale down to strict chest to bars or strict pull ups
C. 4 sets of:
Run 400 meters at the 3-minute mark.
Rest for 4-6 minutes.
Repeat for a total of 2 rounds (8 sets).
Optional: Part 1.
Alternate between the following exercises for 3 sets:
I1. Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 15 seconds (2020 tempo) for speed, rest 20 seconds.
I2. Wall Facing Handstand Hold for maximum duration (60 second cap), rest 3 minutes.
Part 2. Alternating Sets:
C1. False Grip Chest to Rings Hold: Hold for maximum duration; rest as needed.
C2. False Grip Hang on rings: hold for 30 seconds, rest as needed.
C3. Max Feet Elevated False Grip Ring Rows: As many reps as possible with good form; rest as needed.
C4. 5–10 Russian Dips: Use good form and rest as necessary.
A.3 Barbell Bench Presses @ Max Load:
- Warm up with lighter weights
- Find your 3-rep max with proper form and technique
B. Max Strict Muscle-Ups:
- Attempt an unbroken set of strict muscle-ups to failure and record the max reps
- If unable to perform a rep, scale down to strict chest to bars / strict pull ups
C. Alternating Sets:
- C1. False Grip Chest to Rings Hold: Hold for maximum duration, rest as neede
- C2. False Grip Hang on rings: Hold for 30 seconds, rest as needed
- C3. Max Feet Elevated False Grip Ring Rows: As many reps as possible with good form, rest as needed
- C4. 5-10 Russian Dips: Use good form, rest as necessary.
D. 8-Minute AMRAP for Quality:
- Elbow on Knee DB External Rotations @ 2020: 8-10 reps/side
- Reverse Push-Ups on Wrists (knees supported): 8-10 reps
- Rotate back and forth between each exercise for quality
E. Endurance Warmup:- Warm up F. Every 3 Minutes for 12 Sets:
- Run 400 meters at your fastest sustainable pace
- If your speed drops more than 5% of your first effort, stop there for the day
G. Optional Part 1:
- Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push-Ups (2020 tempo)
- Perform 3 sets of max reps with good form, resting 3 minutes between each set
- Rest for 3 minutes with an easy bike spin
Part 2:
- Alternate between the following exercises for 3 sets:
- I1. Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 15 seconds (2020 tempo) for speed, rest 20 seconds
- I2. Wall Facing Handstand Hold for max duration (60 second cap), rest 3 minutes