Thursday 13/04/2023
“Temptation is a blade that can either cut the meat or the man. Keep your passions in check and learn to wield it.”
A. Every 5min Each Part For Time
A1. 1000/750m Row
A2. 50 lateral burpees over the rower
A3. 50/38cal Assault Bike or Ski-erg
2-3 sets:
B1. 8-10 Single arm Landmine Rows (2111 tempo)
Rest 30 seconds
B2. 6-12 Chin up (supinated grip strict pull up)
Rest 2 minutes
C. Optional Part 1
EMOM for 12 minutes (3 rounds):
M1: 1 Rope Climb
M2: 4 Rope Climb pull ups/side
M3: 1 Rope Climb returning down without legs
D. Optional Part 2
Run 20-30 minutes @50% effort
Rest or Active Recovery