Monday 19/06/2023
“Confronting weaknesses is key to rapid personal growth. Embrace and overcome for self-improvement.”
Clean and Jerk:
- 3 sets of 1 rep at 80+% (rest as needed)
- 3 heavy singles above 80% based on feel
Every 2:30:
- 3 front squats
- Build to a heavy 3RM for the day
- Start at 75% of target 3RM and increase weight each set
50-40-30-20-10 for Time:
Wall Ball Shots 9/6 kg
Double Unders or speed steps
Extra Credit Part 1 (EMOM x 10):
- Minute 1: Max GHD Sit-Ups for 30 seconds
- Minute 2: L-Sit for 30 seconds (accumulate as many seconds as possible within the minute)
Clean and Jerk:
- Set 1: 1 rep @ 82%
- Set 2: 1 rep @ 85%
- Set 3, 4, 5: 1 rep @ 90+%
- Rest as needed
- Build to a max for the day
Every 2:30:
- 3 front squats
- Build to a heavy 3RM for the day
- Start at 75% of target 3RM and increase weight each set
50-40-30-20-10 for Time:
- Female Calories: 40, 32, 24, 16, 8
- Wall Ball Shots 9/6kg
- BikeErg for calories
Intent: Squat Endurance Test! Let's give it our all.
Target: Aim for the fastest time possible in this workout. Push yourself while maintaining a pace that allows for your best time.
Feel: This will be intense!
Extra Credit Part 1 (EMOM x 10):
- Minute 1: Max GHD Sit-Ups for 30 seconds
- Minute 2: L-Sit for 30 seconds (accumulate as many seconds as possible within the minute)
Extra Credit Part 2 (EMOM x 9, 3 rounds):
- Minute 1: Seated Single Leg Pike Lifts for 20-30 seconds
- Minute 2: Tuck Hollow To Double Leg Extensions for 20-30 seconds
- Minute 3: Grounded Hip Extensions for 20-30 seconds
Extra Credit Part 3 (EMOM x 9, 3 rounds):
- Minute 1: Seated Single Leg Pike Lifts for 20-30 seconds
- Minute 2: Tuck Hollow To Double Leg Extensions for 20-30 seconds
- Minute 3: Grounded Hip Extensions for 20-30 seconds