True wealth is not measured in material possessions but in the vitality and well-being that radiate from within. Prioritize self-care and make choices that support your long-term health.




Farmers Walk and Sandbag Over The Shoulders

4 Sets of

Farme:rs Walk: 30 meters (50ft) down and back using dumbbells

- Rest for 30 seconds

- 10 Sandbag Over The Shoulders: 68/45 kg (150/100 lbs) as fast as possible

- Rest 2min

EMOM x 15min

M1: 10 Burpees to Target

M2: Row 15 calories

M3: 20 Wall Ball Shots 120 inches @ 20/14 lbs


- 3 alternating sets:

- Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 25 seconds

- Rest for 20 seconds

- Wall Facing Handstand Hold for max duration (up to 60 seconds)

- Rest for 3 minutes




Bent Arm Rope Hang

2 sets for max duration- Rest as needed

- Perform 1 max attempt per side with rest as needed between attempts

Farmers Walk and Sandbag Over The Shoulders

- 2 alternating sets:

- C1. Farme:rs Walk: 30 meters (50ft) down and back using dumbbells

- Rest for 30 seconds

- C2. 10 Sandbag Over The Shoulders: 68/45 kg (150/100 lbs) as fast as possible

- Rest as needed

Core and Upper Body Conditioning-

2-3 sets of alternating sets:-

20 Toes to Bars- Rest for 20 seconds

8 Muscle-Ups- Rest for 20 seconds

25 GHD Sit-Ups- Rest for 20 seconds

8 Bar Muscle-Ups- Rest as needed

As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 15 minutes:

10 Burpees to TargetRow 15 calories

20 Wall Ball Shots 120 inches @ 20/14 lbs

Extra Credit Part 1

- Wall Facing Strict Handstand Push-Up (3030 tempo)

- 3 sets for max reps- Rest for 3 minutes between sets

- Rest for 3 minutes between sets with easy bike spin

Extra Credit Part 2- 3 alternating sets:

- G1. Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 25 seconds

- Rest for 20 seconds

- G2. Wall Facing Handstand Hold for max duration (up to 60 seconds)

- Rest for 3 minutes


Monday 29/05/2023


Friday 26/05/2023