Saturday 24/06/2023
“The satisfaction you get from achieving something difficult is unparalleled”
3 Rounds of:
- Assault Bike 10/8 calories.
- Perform maximum effort Sandbag to Shoulders for 20 seconds.
- Weight options: 68/45 kg.
- Use either a sandbag or D-ball.
12-Minute AMRAP:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Hang Power Clean: Use a weight of 43/29 kg.
- Must start each rep from above the knee.
- Pull Up: Perform standard pull-ups.
- Complete 3 hang power cleans, 3 pull-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
Next Set:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Low Hang Power Clean: Use a weight of 61/43 kg.
- Must pass below the knee on each rep.
- Chest-to-Bar (CTB) Pull-Up: Perform pull-ups with your chest touching the bar.
- Complete 3 low hang power cleans, 3 CTB pull-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
Next Set:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Squat Clean: Use a weight of 84/57 kg.
- Bar Muscle Up: Perform muscle-ups using a bar.
- Complete 3 squat cleans, 3 bar muscle-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
1. Legless Rope Climbs:
- AMRAP in 3 minutes.
- Rope height: 15 feet.
- Compare performance to Sat - Apr 23, 2022.
- Rest for 2 minutes before proceeding.
2. Rope Climbs:
- AMRAP in 2 minutes.
- Rope height: 15 feet.
- Compare performance to Sat - Apr 23, 2022.
- Rest for 2 minutes before proceeding.
3. Strict Rope Pull Ups:
- AMRAP in 1 minute.
- Top hand reaches chin, switch hands every 3 reps.
- Compare performance to Sat - Apr 23, 2022.
4. Echo Bike and Sandbag To Shoulders:
- AMRAP in 8 minutes.
- Echo Bike: Complete 10/8 calories.
- Sandbag to Shoulders: Perform 5 reps.
- Weight options: 68/45 kg.
- Use sandbag or D-ball.
- Advanced option: Alternate sets of touch-and-go reps and singles.
5. 12-Minute AMRAP:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Hang Power Clean: Use a weight of 43/29 kg.
- Must start each rep from above the knee.
- Pull Up: Perform standard pull-ups.
- Complete 3 hang power cleans, 3 pull-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
Next Set:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Low Hang Power Clean: Use a weight of 61/43 kg.
- Must pass below the knee on each rep.
- Chest-to-Bar (CTB) Pull-Up: Perform pull-ups with your chest touching the bar.
- Complete 3 low hang power cleans, 3 CTB pull-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
Next Set:
3-6-9-12 Rep Scheme:
- Squat Clean: Use a weight of 84/57 kg.
- Bar Muscle Up: Perform muscle-ups using a bar.
- Complete 3 squat cleans, 3 bar muscle-ups, then 6 of each, then 9, and so on.
6. Extra Credit Part 1 - Unbroken Wall-Facing HSPUs:
- For time: Perform 7 sets of 5 unbroken Wall-Facing HSPUs.
"- Advanced option: Perform with a 3"" deficit."
- Video reference: Wall-Facing Strict Handstand Push-Up.
- Scoring: Time taken to complete (lower time is better).
7. Extra Credit Part 2 - Box Handstand Push-Ups and Handstand Hold:
- 3 alternating sets:
- Α. Max Box Handstand Push-Ups for 20 seconds.
- Wear a vest this week.
- Rest for 20 seconds after each set.
- Β. Wall-Facing Handstand Hold for Max Duration.
- Wear a vest this week.
- Each set has a 45-second time cap.
- Rest for 3 minutes after completing the sets.