Wednesday 27/03/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Rope Pull-Ups

  • Perform 3 sets of maximum repetitions.

    • Rest 2 minutes between sets.

    • Aim for Almost Maximum Reps Per Set (AMRAP -1).

    • Alternate sides, rest 1 minute between sides and 2 minutes between sets.

    • Complete 3 sets per side.

    • Ensure hands touch on the rope.


Arm Conditioning

Endurance and Conditioning Circuit (20 minutes)

  • Complete 4 rounds, each minute on the minute:

    • Minute 1: Max Goblet Squats for 40 seconds (22.7/15.9 kg).

    • Minute 2: Max Bodyweight Lunges for 40 seconds.

    • Minute 3: Max Calorie Row for 40 seconds (set damper to 10 for men/8 for women).

    • Minute 4: Wall Sit for 40 seconds.

    • Minute 5: Rest for 1 minute.


Power Intervals: Every 90 Seconds (5 Sets):

  • 6/4 Cal Echo Bike.

  • 2 Power Cleans at 75-85% 1RM.

    • Scoring: Record the average weight used. Higher weight indicates better performance.

Power and Endurance:

  • Overhead Squats:

    • Perform AMRAP Unbroken Overhead Squats at 61/43 kg until 45 reps or failure. 

    • If paused for more than 2 seconds, the set ends.

      • 1-minute rest before proceeding.

  • Hang Squat Cleans: 

    • Perform AMRAP Hang Squat Cleans at 84/57 kg.

    • it has to be Continuous movement, pausing disqualifies the set.

Strength: Every 90 Seconds for 4:30 (3 Sets):

  • 5 Front-Racked Barbell Reverse Lunges per side.

    • Use a moderate load, focusing on good form and speed.

Dumbbell and Gymnastics Workout:

  • Part 1: 3 Rounds:

    • 2 x 7.62m Dumbbell Walking Lunge (Farmer's Hold). M: 22.5kg, F: 15kg.

    • 20 Toes-to-Bar.

  • Part 2: 2 Rounds:

    • 2 x 7.62m Dumbbell Walking Lunge (Front Rack Position).

    • 15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups.

  • Part 3: 1 Round:

    • 2 x 7.62m Dumbbell Walking Lunge (Overhead Position).

    • 10 Bar Muscle-Ups.

      • Time Cap: 20 minutes. Aim for elite scores under 8 minutes, competitive athletes under 9:30, and a strong effort under 15 minutes.

      • This regimen is a 2023 retest for Age Group Quarterfinals, focusing on increasing complexity in both dumbbell and gymnastics movements. It's designed to simulate the intensity of a Quarterfinal workout. Challenge yourself to meet or exceed the top scores from 2023.

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.