Wednesday 29/05/2024


Strength Test

Power Snatch for Max Load

  • Build to a tough single for the day with a 1-second pause at the knee. This is not a 1RM.

Every 2:30 for 7:30 (3 sets)

Floating Deadlifts

  • Perform 10 reps as heavy as possible with good form for all three sets.

EMOM for 12 Minutes (6 Rounds)

  • M1: Calories

    • Odd Rounds: 12/9 calories Assault Bike

    • Even Rounds: 16/12 calories Row

  • M2: V-Ups: 9-12 reps + Burpee Box Jump Overs: 4-6 reps at 24/20 inches


Strength Work

3 Alternating Sets of:

Α. Isometric Snatch Grip Pin Pull

  • Maximal hold for 5 seconds with the bar at mid-thigh.

  • 5-second burst.

  • Rest for 10 seconds.

B. Hang Power Snatches

  • Perform 1.1.1 reps at 65% of estimated 1RM HPS.

  • Rest 5-10 seconds between reps.

  • Focus on powerful hip extension and a strong, technical catch in the power position overhead. Avoid star fishing.

  • Work on creating a strong turnover and bar velocity.

Rest 1 minute.

Strength Test

Power Snatch  Max Load

  • Build to a tough single for the day with a 1-second pause at the knee. This is not a 1RM.

Every 2:30 for 7:30 (3 sets)

Barbell Hip Thrusts

  • 10 reps as heavy as possible with good form for all three sets.

AMRAP in 12 Minutes

  • Echo Bike: 12/8 calories

  • Toes to Bar: 9 reps (substitute with GHD Sit-Ups if hands are torn)

  • Box Jump Overs: 6 reps at 24/20 inches (61/51 cm)

  • Rest for 30 seconds.


  • Keep a hard but sustainable pace.

  • Step down on box jump overs for safety.


  • This week, pull back from pressing endurance progressions due to Murph and instead perform a 12-minute AMRAP of Echo Bike, Toes to Bar, and Box Jump Overs.


  • This should be a deload session post-Murph. Keep effort slightly lower than usual, around 7-8/10 RPE.

  • If your hands are torn, substitute toes to bar with GHD Sit-Ups.


  • Maintain a 7-8/10 RPE. Refer to the RPE chart for more details.

Extra Credit Part 1

Pike Position Single Arm Handstand Hold

  • 6 sets of 10-20 seconds.

  • Rest as needed.

  • Feet on wall or box.

  • Alternate arms per set (3 sets/side).

Extra Credit Part 2

3 Alternating Sets of:

1. Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps

  • 20 reps (10/side).

  • Rest for 1 minute.

2. Wall Walks

  • 5 reps each set as fast as possible.

  • Rest for 1 minute.

Extra Credit Part 3

4 Sets, Each for Time:

  • 20-second hold in a 4x4 box into a 50-ft handstand walk.

  • Rest for 1 minute between sets.

  • Does not need to be unbroken.