Saturday 25/05/2024


Strength I: Test

3 Hand Release Deadlifts

  • Build to a tough but technical 3 reps for the day (Not a 3RM).

Strength II: Test


  • 2 sets of 10+ seconds

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

  • AMSAP L-sit hold 

  • Accumulate a minimum of 40 seconds total

Core Finisher

2 Sets:

  • EMOM 3 min: 30 sec hollow body tuck hold with alternating single leg extensions

  • Rest 1-3 minutes

Workout of the Day 

5 Rounds for Time, with Buy-In and Cash-Out:


  • Row 50/40 calories

Then, 5 RFT:

  • 5 Bar Muscle-Ups or Box Muscle ups

  • 10 Line Facing Burpees

  • 15 Wall Ball Shots (9 kg / 6 kg)


  • Row 50/40 calories

Extra Credit - MU Skill 

Quality Reps of Each Step (5 reps each):

  1. Jump to pike

  2. Tight and patient arch

  3. Toes rise (spot them)

  4. Hip drive + press down on bar with straight arms

Note: Each step adds onto the previous one. Focus on not skipping the previous step as you add the next.

Accumulate 10 "top to bottom reps" into the hip drive + press down for quality.


  • Use a box to jump to the support position of the BMU.

  • Work on falling back into the same position that you create when you 'jump to hollow.'

  • To accomplish this, 'fall away' from the bar at the top into an "L" position with your legs.

  • Fall into the 'patient arch' position with tight legs and then into the "toe rise."

  • This week, add the hip drive and press down on the bar to get your shoulders as high as possible without bending arms.

Accumulate 10 high bar box-supported turnovers for quality. The goal is to get arms straight as soon as possible.


Strength: Test I

3 Hand Release Deadlifts

  • Build to a tough but technical 3 reps for the day (Not a 3RM).

Strength: Test II

For Time:

  • 30 Strict Pull-Ups

    • Time Cap: 8 minutes

    • No drop from the top, must control eccentric to the bottom.

Barbell Bicep Curl 21s

3 Sets of 21 Reps

  • 7 Partial Reps - Bottom

  • 7 Partial Reps - Top

  • 7 Full ROM Reps

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

  • If no EZ Bar, use Barbell

Barbell Wrist Curl

3 Sets of 15-20 Reps

  • Rest 1 minute between sets

Workout of the Day 

5 Rounds for Time, with Buy-In and Cash-Out:


  • Row 50/40 calories

Then, 5 RFT:

  • 5 Bar Muscle-Ups or Box Muscle ups

  • 10 Line Facing Burpees

  • 15 Wall Ball Shots (9 kg / 6 kg)


  • Row 50/40 calories

Extra Credit: Handstand Endurance

Part 1

  • As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 90 seconds:

    • Handstand Walk

      • Done in 7.6m (25ft) unbroken sections

    • Rest 90 seconds before Part 2

Part 2

  • As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 90 seconds:

    • Freestanding Handstand Hold

      • Done in a 1.2m x 1.2m (4ft x 4ft) box (accumulated time)

    • Rest 90 seconds before Part 3

Part 3

  • As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 90 seconds:

    • 2 Wall Walks

    • 6 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups