Monday 08/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Max Effort Strict Pull-ups

  • Objective: Find your maximum unbroken set of strict pull-ups with each rep including a 1-second hold with the chin above the bar.

  • Modification: Use a light resistance band if you expect to perform 5 reps or fewer.

  • Note your score for future progressions.

Inverted Ring Rows (Tempo: 3022)

  • Sets: 3, maximum reps per set.

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets.

  • Instructions: Open The rings to the side as if you are doing a pull up. Perform as many reps as possible, stopping 3 reps short of failure in each set.

3 Alternating Sets

A. Ring Support Hold

  • Duration: 30 seconds, divided into two 15-second segments.

  • Rest: As needed to maintain unbroken sets. Use a band for assistance if necessary.

B. Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

  • Duration: 30 seconds, divided into two 15-second segments.

  • Rest: Minimal, to maintain unbroken sets. Use a band for assistance if necessary.

C. Dumbbell Side Plank Powell Raises (Tempo: 2121)

  • Duration: 30 seconds per side, slow controlled reps.

3 Alternating Sets

A. Rear Foot Elevated Goblet Split Squat (Tempo: 11X1)

  • Reps: 10 reps.

  • Rest: 60sec.

  • Instructions: Increase weight as you progress. Note the tempo change.

B. Clean Grip Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (Tempo: 11X1)

  • Reps: 10 reps.

  • Rest: 60sec.

  • Instructions: Increase weight as you progress. Note the tempo change.

Extra Credit - Row Progressions

  • Phase 1: 1500m row, 2-3 seconds per 500m pace faster than last week.

    • Rest: 3 minutes. Repeat twice.

  • Phase 2: After a 10-minute rest, perform 3 sets every 2.5 minutes:

    • Activity: 10 pulls for maximum meters, with the damper set to 10/8.

    • Instructions: Do not pace yourself. Start strong.


10-Minute Max Load Back Squats

  • Objective: Achieve your maximum load for 2 back squats within 10 minutes, limited to 4 attempts.

  • Instructions: Build up to a challenging double.

Snatch Ladder (For Time)

  • Objective: Complete a descending ladder of snatches, each at increasing weights.

    • 5 Snatches @ 61/43 kg

    • 4 Snatches @ 75/52 kg

    • 3 Snatches @ 84/57 kg

    • 2 Snatches @ 93/66 kg

    • 1 Snatch @ 102/70 kg

  • Instructions: Self-load barbells and secure with clips between sets.

Clean and Jerk Complex

  • Sets: 5

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Weight: 65-70% of 1RM of P.Clean

  • Complex: 3 Touch and Go Power Cleans + 3 Shoulder to Overheads

3 Alternating Sets for Stability and Strength

A. Elbow/Knee Side Plank Lateral Leg Lifts

  • Reps: 15-20 per side

  • Rest: As needed

B. ATG Split Squats

  • Reps: 10 per side, with the front foot elevated

  • Instructions: Perform slowly and with control.

  • Rest: As needed

Post-Simulation Deload for Recovery

  • Routine:

    • 3min Row @ 60-70% max heart rate

    • 2min Bike @ 60-70% max heart rate

    • 1min Ski @ 60-70% max heart rate

  • Cycles: 4 rounds

  • Intent: Focus on recovery, maintaining a relaxed pace .

Extra Credit: Mobility

  • Focus: Engage in mobility exercises along.