Friday 05/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


A. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Workout (12 Minutes Total)

Perform each exercise at the start of every minute for 12 minutes, completing three rounds:

  1. Minute 1 & 2: 10 Standing Single Arm Arnold Presses (alternate arms each minute).

  2. Minute 3 & 4: Knees-On-Box Single Arm Handstand Hold for 18-20 seconds (alternate arms each minute).

Increase the number of reps and duration of holds compared to the previous week.

B. Strength & Stability Sets (4 Rounds)

Focus on quality and control for each set:

  1. Plank to Pike Ups on Rower Seat: 8-12 reps.

  2. Russian Twists with 20/14lb (9/6.4kg) Medicine Ball: 12-20 reps.

  3. Barbell Good Mornings (empty bar): 12-20 reps.

  4. Empty Barbell Turkish Sit-Ups: 6-10 reps.

C. Cardiovascular Endurance EMOM (10 Minutes)

  • Max Bar Facing Burpees for 30 Seconds: 

    • Complete as many reps as possible within 30 seconds, every minute for 10 minutes.

    • Alternate the stepping leg after each burpee, focusing on smooth transitions and maintaining a consistent rep count. 

      • This session is 2 minutes longer than last week's.

D. Extra Credit - High-Intensity Interval Training on ASSAULT Bike

  • Sprints: 5 x 10-second sprints,

    • starting a new interval every 3 minutes. 

    • Record the maximum watts for each sprint. 

    • Terminate the sprint when wattage begins to decline.

E. Cooldown

  • 10-Minute Walk: Conclude the session with a light 10-minute walk to aid recovery.


Quarterfinals Simulation


Quarterfinals Simulation 〰️

Workout 1: 

Objective: For Time.


  1. Rowing: 30 / 24 calories.

  2. Overhead Squats: 15 reps at 61kg / 43kg.

  3. Box Jump Overs: 30 reps at 60cm / 50cm.

  4. Overhead Squats: 15 reps at 60kg / 43kg.

  5. Rowing: 30 / 24 calories.

Time Cap: 8 minutes

Workout 2: 

Objective: For Time.


  1. Hang Power Cleans: 40 reps at 43kg / 30kg.

  2. Toes to Rings: 40 reps.

  3. Hang Power Cleans: 30 reps at 60kg / 43kg.

  4. Toes to Rings: 30 reps.

  5. Hang Power Cleans: 20 reps at 84kg / 57kg.

  6. Muscle-Ups: 20 reps.

  7. Hang Power Cleans: 10 reps at 102kg / 70kg.

  8. Muscle-Ups: 10 reps.

Time Cap: 17 minutes

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.