Friday 26/04/2024
Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.
3 Alternating Sets
Α: Alternating Top Down Dumbbell Bench Presses
Reps: 12-14 (6-7 per side, alternating)
Notes: Use the same weight as last week, aiming for more reps.
Rest: 1 minute
B: Ring Plank Position Shoulder Taps
Reps: 12-14 (6-7 per side, alternating)
Transition: On the last rep, transition directly into a plank on rings.
Rest: None
C: Plank on Rings
Duration: 20-30 seconds
Rest: 2 minutes
2 Alternating Sets
A: Max V-Ups
Duration: 90 seconds
Rest: 1 minute
B: Max Bridge Walk outs
Duration: 90 seconds
Rest: 2 minutes
For Time
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (3-minute timecap)
Box Height: 61 cm / 51 cm (24/20 inches)
Rest: 3 minutes
30 Burpees on a 20kg plate (3-minute timecap)
Duration: 10 minutes
Activity: Walk
Skill Work (Every minute for 6 minutes, 3 rounds)
Minute 1:
30-40 Cross-Over Single Unders.
Minute 2:
Handstand Walk Over Obstacle Course Up and Down.
Gymnastics Conditioning (Every minute for 6 minutes, 3 rounds)
Minute 1:
9 Toes to Bars.
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups.
3 Bar Muscle-Ups.
Minute 2:
Handstand Walk 7.6 meters (25 feet).
5-7 Handstand Push-Ups.
Set 1: 5 Front Squats at 65% 1RM.
Set 2: 3 Front Squats at 75% 1RM.
Set 3: 1 Front Squat at 80-85% 1RM.
Set 4: 5 Front Squats at 68-70% 1RM.
Set 5: 3 Front Squats at 78-80% 1RM.
Set 6: 1 Front Squats at 82-88% 1RM.
Notes: Rest 2 minutes between Sets .
Heavy Conditioning (3 sets)
3 SandBag Squats at 80/60 kg .
30 sec bear hug sandbag hold at 80/60 kg .
3 sandbag ground to shoulder at 80/60 kg
Rest 90sec between sets.
Mixed Conditioning (Every minute for 6 minutes, 3 rounds)
Minute 1:
20 Wall Ball Shots at 9/6 kg (20/14 lbs).
Minute 2:
14 Line facing burpees.
2 Minutes AMRAP / 2 Minutes Rest (3 Rounds)
SkiErg: 15/12 calories.
6 Dual Dumbell Power Snatches at 22,5/15kg
pick up where you left each round
Accessory: Every 90 Seconds for 4:30 (3 Sets)
GHD Bosch Hold for 20-30 seconds.