Monday 29/04/2024

Holiday Timetable


Holiday Timetable 〰️


  • class: 7:00am - 8:00am

  • class: 8:00am - 9:00am

  • open gym: 9:00am - 1:00pm



    • CLOSED


    • class: 7:00am - 8:00am

    • class: 8:00am - 9:00am

    • open gym: 9:00am - 1:00pm




Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Strict Pull-Up Challenge

  • Objective: Complete 30 strict pull-ups.

  • Time Limit: 8 minutes.

  • Instructions: Do not drop from the top; control the descent to the bottom position.

Murph Preparation

  • Part A

  • 3 rounds for time

    • Run 300 meters.

    • Perform 10 feet-elevated ring rows.

  • Rest: Equal time rest between rounds (1:1 work/rest ratio).

  • Part B

  • 2 rounds for time.

    • Run 300 meters.

    • Complete 20 push-ups.

  • Rest: Equal time rest between rounds (1:1 work/rest ratio).

  • Part C

  • 1 round for time.

    • Run 300 meters.

    • Perform 75 air squats.

Extra Credit - 3 Alternating Sets

  1. Barbell Bicep Curls

    • Reps: 15.

    • Instructions: Stand while performing curls with a light to moderate load. Use momentum as needed to complete the movement but ensure full range of motion. No rest between transitions.

  2. Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions

    • Reps: 15-20.

    • Rest: Rest as needed after completing one set of each exercise.


Squat Clean and Jerk 

  • Objective: 4 sets of maximum repetitions in 60sec.

  • Weight: 105, 110, 115, 120kg.

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets.

  • Instructions: Complete 4 sets.Adjust the load so that the last set is near your 80% of your 1RM if the initial weight exceeds 80% of your capacity.

2-3 Sets

  1. Zottman Curls

    • Reps: 6-8 using light dumbbells.

  2. Shoulder Extension Stretch

    • Duration: 30 seconds.

    • Position: Fingers pointed backward with externally rotated shoulders.

  3. Barbell Banded wrist twists

    • Reps: 5-6 per side, with controlled eccentric movements.

  4. Side Lying Powell Raise

    • Reps: 6-8 per side.

  5. Single Leg GHD Hip Extensions

  • Reps: 6-8 per side for each set.

  • No rest between transitions.

Rest: 2 minutes after completing one set of each exercise.

3 Rounds for Quality.

  • Details:

    • Perform 3-5 Strict  Muscle-ups.

    • Complete 4 Back squats at 75-80% 1RM.

  • Instructions: Adjust the weight to maintain unbroken (UB) reps for back squats.



  • Buy In: 

    • Athlete A or B performs 30 Toes To Rings (no rotations)

    • Second Athlete performs 20 Box Jumps Over (no rotations)

  • Then: 

    • Both athletes share as desired

    • Max DoubleUnders in remaining time

Rest 2 Minutes


  • BuyIn:

    • Athlete A or B performs 30 Toes To Rings (no rotations)

    • Second Athlete performs 20 Box Jumps Over (no rotations)

  • Then:

    • Both athletes share as desired

    • Max Handstand PushUps in remaining time

Rest 2 Minutes


  • BuyIn:

    • Athlete A or B performs 30 Toes To Rings (no rotations)

    • Second Athlete performs 20 Box Jumps Over (no rotations)

  • Then:

    • Both athletes share as desired

    • Max Wall Ball Shots in remaining time