Tuesday 23/04/2024

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


2 Shoulder Presses – Max Load

  • Objective: Build up to a heavy set of 2 repetitions.

Wall and Plank Holds (2 Sets):

  • As Many Seconds As Possible (AMSAP) wall-facing handstand (HS) hold with knees tucked. Stop 5 seconds before perceived technical breakdown.

  • Rest: 60 seconds.

  • Activity: AMSAP front plank on elbows. Stop 5 seconds before perceived technical breakdown.

  • Rest: 60 seconds.

  • Activity: Repeat AMSAP wall-facing HS hold with knees Straight.

  • Rest: 3-5 minutes between sets.


  • Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3sets)

    • 300m Run

  • Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5sets)

    • 400m Run

Extra Credit Bike:

  • Duration: 20 minutes at a conversational pace.

    • set the damper to allow spinning at 85-90 RPM.


12-Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) for Quality

  • Freestanding Handstand Hold: 20 seconds within a 3x3 meter box, aim for minimal hand movement.

  • Hip Airplanes: 3 repetitions per side, focus on control.

  • Skin the Cats on Rings: Perform 3 repetitions with slow control.

  • Half Kneeling Diagonal Stretch: 20 seconds per side.

  • Kettlebell Taters: 8 repetitions using a light load. One repetition includes a swing into a catch and squat.

Videos for Techniques:

  1. Freestanding Handstand Hold

  2. Staggered Stance Hip Airplanes

  3. Skin the Cat

  4. Half Kneeling Diagonal Stretch

  5. Kettlebell Tater

  6. Hip Airplane

EMOM 12 Minutes (Every Minute on the Minute for 12 Minutes, 3 Rounds):

  • Minute 1:

    • 30sec Max Toes to Rings

  • Minute 2:

    • 30sec Max Box Jump Overs

  • Minute 3:

    • 30sec Max Double Unders / 2nd RD: Hand Stand Push Ups / 3rd RD: Wall Balls

  • Minute 4:

    • Rest

EMOM 12 Minutes (3 Rounds):

  • Minute 1:

    • 6-8 Sandbag Cleans at 60kg

  • Minute 2:

    • 1 Legless Rope Climb to 4.5 meters

    • 1 Rope Climb to 4.5 meters

  • Minute 3:

    • 4-6 Dual Dumbbell Devil's Press @ 22.5 kg/16 kg

  • Minute 4:

    • Ski-Erg for 30 seconds for calories (easy pace)

5 Rounds with Progressive Intensity

  • Instructions: Aim to increase speed each round; start at a moderate pace and intensify.

    • Bike 1200 meters

    • 21 KB Swings