Wednesday 10/07/2024
Barbell Bench Press (2111 tempo)
3 sets of 6 reps.
Rest 2:30 between sets.
Up to 9/10 RPE by final set, should be 1 rep remaining in the tank.
Body Pressing endurance - 3-4 Rounds:
2 min AMRAP:
6 V-ups or Tuck ups
6 Burpees to 15 cm over extented arms touch
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP:
6 alternating DB hang clean and jerk
6 hand release push-ups
Rx: 22,5/15kg
1 min rest
Consistent reps, paced.
Intense, even pacing.
Extra Credit - Option 1: Got None
TTB Skill:
6-8 sets:
4-5 TTB
3 arch to knee tuck
3 arch to hollow
Rest 30-90 sec.
Option 2: Got Some
TTB Skill:
AMRAP 5 min: TTB
No rest stipulation this week. Use progressions from the last two weeks to develop a pacing strategy to maximize reps.
Accessory Work - 3 Sets of:
10 Standing Straight Arm Landmine Rotations (10/side per set)
Rest 1 min.
10 Tall Kneeling Landmine Antirotations (10/side per set)
Rest 1 min.
1 Power Snatch @ Max Load
Build to a tough single for the day.
Compare to Week 1.
Barbell Bench Press (2111 tempo)
3 sets of 6 reps.
Rest 2:30 between sets.
Up to 9/10 RPE by final set, should be 1 rep remaining in the tank.
Upper Body Pressing Endurance - 3-4 Rounds:
2 min AMRAP:
6 Toes to Bar
6 Burpees to 15 cm target over extended arms touch
1 min rest
2 min AMRAP:
6 Pull-ups
6 Hand Release Push-Ups
1 min rest
Consistent reps, paced.
Intense, even pacing.
Extra Credit - Choose your weakness (only 1-2 parts)
A: Hip Extension Glute Strength
3 Barbell Hip Thrusts @ Max Load
Find a 3RM.
B: Gymnastics Strength
AMRAP 5 min: Strict Muscle-Ups (use band assistance if needed)
(cap of 25 reps).
C: Core Strength/Endurance
2 Alternating Sets:
10/side per set.
Rest 1 min.
10/side per set.
Rest 1 min.