Wednesday 03/07/2024


Power Clean ΕΜΟΜ

  • Duration: Every minute, for 10 minutes (10 sets)

  • Reps: 1 Power Clean

  • Weight: 75-80% of max

  • Focus: Powerful hip extension, strong/technical front rack catch. Avoid "star fishing" and aim for strong connection with the bar. Move the bar as fast as possible each rep.

Conditioning Circuit

  • Sets: 3

  • Within a 2:30 minute Window Complete the following:

    • 21 Kettlebell Swings (24 kg/16 kg)

    • 15/10 Calorie Row

    • 9 Deadlifts (60 kg/43 kg)

  • Rest: 2:30 minutes between sets

Instructions: Perform fast, unbroken sets. Lower the Weights if you cannot maintain high intensity through the workout..

Extra Credit - Toes to Bar Skill - Option 1: Got None

  • Sets: 8-12

  • Reps:

    • 3 arch to hollow swings

    • 3 arch to knee tuck

    • 3 Toes to Bar (TTB)

    • 2 arch to knee tuck

    • 3 arch to hollow

  • Rest: 30-90 seconds between sets

Toes to Bar Skill - Option 2: Got Some

  • Duration: AMRAP 5 minutes

  • Movement: Toes to Bar (TTB)

  • Rest: 15 seconds between sets

  • Goal: Slightly bigger sets than last week

  • Scoring: Total reps (higher is better)


 3 Alternating Sets:

Maximal Isometric Clean Grip Pin Pull

  • Duration: 10 seconds

  • Position: Bar at mid-thigh

  • Effort: 100% effort throughout the 10 seconds

  • Rest: 2 minutes

Weighted Vest Good Morning Jumps

  • Reps:

  • Weight: 9/6 kg (20/14 lbs)

  • Focus: Pause and reset between reps, emphasize vertical body height

  • Rest: As needed

Every Minute, for 10 Minutes (10 Sets):

  • Exercise: 1 Power Clean

  • Weight: 75-80% of 1RM

  • Focus: Powerful hip extension, strong/technical catch in front rack, avoid star fishing, create a strong connection with the bar, move the bar as fast as possible each rep

Conditioning: 3-5 Sets:

  1. Kettlebell Swings

    • Reps: 20

    • Weight: 32/24 kg (70/53 lbs)

  2. Calorie Row

    • Reps: 20/15 calories

  3. Deadlifts

    • Reps: 20

    • Weight: 60/43 kg (135/95 lbs)

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Goal: Fast, unbroken sets; lower the rep range if you cannot sustain a moderate to hard effort throughout

  • Intent: Hinge endurance progression, shifting back to interval training with KBS, row calories, and deadlifts

  • Feel: Challenging on the posterior chain and global systems, intense workout

Single Leg Landmine Romanian Deadlift Pulses

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 8.8.8 per side each set

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets, 10 seconds between clusters of 8 reps holding at the top

Extra Credit

Part 1: Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle Up

  • Sets: 5

  • Reps: 1.1.1

  • Rest: 2:30 minutes between sets, 20 seconds between singles

  • Note: If you can perform unassisted, do so

Part 2: Tucked Ice Cream Maker on Rings

  • Sets: 4

  • Reps: 4-6

  • Rest: 2:30 minutes between sets

  • Focus: Use false grip; perform slow and controlled reps

Part 3: Hinging Ring Row

  • Sets: 3

  • Reps: 6-8

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

Part 4: 3 Alternating Sets

1. False Grip Chest to Rings Hold

  • Duration: 20-25 seconds

  • Rest: 90 seconds

2. Bottom of Ring Dip Hold

  • Duration: 20-25 seconds (weighted holds)

  • Rest: 90 seconds