
Strength - Deadlift

  • Set 1: 1 rep @ 85% of 1RM

  • Set 2: Max reps @ 65-70% of 1RM

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 65-70% of 1RM

Rest as needed between sets.


  • Build up to 85% of your current estimated 1RM, then complete AMRAP (-1) sets.

  • Stop if unable to control quality touch-and-go reps.

  • Maintain high speed; avoid grinding or losing midline position.

Main Workout of the Day

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 Minutes:

Extra Credit - Option 1: Beginner (Got None)

Bar Muscle-Up Skill Progression

  • Continue the BMU progression if started during the foundations cycle.

5 Reps of Each Step for Quality:

  1. Jump to pike

  2. Tight and patient arch

  3. Toes rise (spot them)

  4. Hip drive + press down on bar with straight arms

Note: Each step builds on the previous one. Focus on maintaining the form of previous steps while adding new ones.


  • 10-15 minutes practicing spotted bar muscle-ups

    • Ask a proficient person to spot you.

    • Focus on the steps while they help you with the turnover.

    • Spotter should place one arm under your legs and one on the bar, guiding you by lifting your legs and pushing your chest over the bar simultaneously.

Option 2: Intermediate (Got Some)

Bar Muscle-Up Skill:

  • Every 90 seconds x 6: 2 banded BMU from box

    • Goal: Turnover as high as possible. Press down on the bar and try to land as close to locked out as possible.

    • String 2 reps together.

  • Every 90 seconds x 6: 2 BMU from box (no band)

    • Focus: Translate practice to non-banded reps.


 As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10 Minutes:

Weighted Pull-Up

  • Set 1: 1 rep @ Max Load

  • Set 2: 3 reps @ Max Load

  • Set 3: 5 reps @ Max Load

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets


  • Find a 1RM, then a 3RM, then a 5RM for the day.

Sandbag to Shoulder Practice

  • Accumulate 15 minutes practicing lapping and hip drive to shoulder.

  • Use a heavy sandbag, stones, D-balls, or any similar object.

  • Cues:

    • Maintain a strong back position.

    • Use your hips for explosive power.

    • Secure the object on your shoulder with control.

Barbell Bench Press

  • 3 sets of 6 reps

  • Rest 2:30 between sets


  • Work up to a 9/10 RPE by the final set, ensuring you have 1 rep left in the tank.


  • Set 1: 1 rep @ 85% of 1RM

  • Set 2: Max reps @ 65-70% of 1RM

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 65-70% of 1RM

  • Rest as needed between sets


  • Build up to 85% of your current estimated 1RM, then complete AMRAP (-1) sets.

  • Stop if unable to control quality touch-and-go reps.

  • Maintain high speed; avoid grinding or losing midline position.

Extra Credit Part 1

Single Arm Handstand Hold

  • 6 sets of 10-20 seconds

  • Rest as needed

  • Alternate arms per set (3 sets/side)

Extra Credit Part 2

2 alternating sets of:

  1. 40 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps

    • 20 per side

    • Rest 1 minute

  2. Wall Walks

    • No rest

  3. 16 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

    • AFAP each set

    • Rest 2:30

Extra Credit Part 3

2 sets, each for time:

  • 30 sec freestanding handstand hold in a 4x4 box into 30 meters handstand walk

  • Rest 2-3 minutes between sets


  • Does not need to be unbroken. Focus on control and technique.


Monday 01/07/2024


Friday 28/06/2024