Wednesday 26/06/2024


3 Hang Power Snatches @ Max Load

  • Objective: Find a 3RM (3-Rep Max)

Workout Part 1

For Time [ 21-15-9 ] Time cap 5 minutes:

  • Deadlifts @ 84/57 kg (185/125 lbs)

  • Row calories

Rest: 5 minutes before starting Part 2

Workout Part 2

For Time [ 21-15-9 ] Time cap 5 minutes:

  • Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • Row calories

Extra Credit - Toes to Bar Skill

Option 1: "Got None"

10-12 sets of the following sequence:

  • 2 arch-to-hollow swings

  • 2 arch-to-knee tucks

  • 2 toes-to-bar (TTB)

  • 2 arch-to-knee tucks

  • 2 arch-to-hollow swings

Rest: 30-90 seconds between sets

Option 2: "Got Some"

AMRAP 4 min: (As Many Reps As Possible in 4 minutes)

  • Toes-to-bar (TTB)

Rest: 10 seconds between sets


3 Hang Power Snatches @ Max Load

  • Objective: Find a 3RM (3-Rep Max)

Barbell Hip Thrusts @ Max Load

  • Objective: Find a 5RM (5-Rep Max)

Workout Part 1

For Time:

  • 30 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg (225/155 lbs)

  • Row 30/24 calories

  • 20 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg (225/155 lbs)

  • Row 20/16 calories

  • 10 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg (225/155 lbs)

  • Row 10/8 calories

Rest: 5 minutes before starting Part 2

Workout Part 2

For Time:

  • 10 Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • Row 10/8 calories

  • 20 Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • Row 20/16 calories

  • 30 Power Snatches @ 34/25 kg (75/55 lbs)

  • Row 30/24 calories


This is week 6 of our hinge/barbell cycling progressions. This week, we will perform a two-part "test."


Treat both portions of this workout as a true "qualifier" style workout. Build a pacing plan before you start and do your best to execute upon that plan in the workout.


This should be challenging on your posterior chain and global systems. Be prepared for this to be intense!

Extra Credit Part 1

10-15x Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle Up + Strict Ring Muscle Up Eccentrics

  • Perform 10-15 complexes as controlled as possible (unassisted if capable)

Sets: 4-5 sets

Extra Credit Part 2

Tucked Ice Cream Maker on Rings

  • 4 sets of 3-5 reps

  • Rest as needed

Extra Credit Part 3

Negative Body Levers

  • Accumulate 15 perfect, slow, and controlled reps

Extra Credit Part 4

3 Alternating Sets:

  • False Grip Chest to Rings Hold: Accumulate 15-20 seconds with a vest

    • Rest 90 seconds

  • Bottom of Ring Dip Hold: Accumulate 15-20 seconds with a vest

    • Rest 90 seconds