
Clean and Press Variations

Part 1:

  • Squat Clean Thruster @ 60%:

  • Perform as many rounds and reps as possible (AMRAP) in 1 minute.

  • Check movement execution before moving to Part 2.

Part 2:

  • Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerks @ 70%:

  • Perform AMRAP in 1 minute. 

  • Check movement execution before proceeding to Part 3.

Part 3:

  • Squat Clean and Jerks @ 80%:

  • Perform AMRAP in 1 minute.

  • All percentages are based on your 1RM clean and jerk.

Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Tap

Sets and Reps:

  • 4 sets of 10-20 reps

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Notes: Alternate reps

Conditioning - Every 4:00 for 2 Sets Each

Station 1:

  1. 15/12 Calorie Row

  2. 50 Double Unders or Speed Steps

  3. AMRAP Burpees Over the line until the 2-minute mark

Station 2:

  1. 15/12 Calorie Bike

  2. 50 Crossover Single Unders or Speed Steps

  3. AMRAP Piked HandStand Push Ups until the 2-minute mark

    • Toes on the floor

    • Lower head into tricep position, finish with ears by biceps

Extra Credit -  Alternating Dumbell Reverse Lunge:

  • Set 1: 16 reps

  • Set 2: 12 reps

  • Set 3: 8 reps

  • Increase the load each set while maintaining proper form. Perform reps per side, alternating legs.


Option 1: Split Jerk

  • Sets 1-2: 2 reps @ 84-86%

  • Sets 3-6: 1 rep @ 90+%

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

  • Blocks allowed

Press Strength

Option 1: 4 Alternating Sets of:

  1.  Top of Head Level Shoulder Press Overcoming Iso for 10 seconds

    • 100% effort across the 10 seconds

    • Rest 2 minutes

  2. 2 Banded Push Presses @ 70%

    • Touch and go reps with an aggressive punch to lockout

    • Build to a heavy double by the final set using the smallest band tension available

    • Rest as needed

Option 2: Strict Ring Dip

  • 3 sets of max reps @ 60%

  • Rest 2 minutes between sets

  • 60% of heavy 3

  • Perform AMRAP (-1) each set

Option 2: Feet On Box Pike Parallette Handstand Push-up

  • 3 sets of max reps

  • Rest 90 seconds between sets

  • Small deficit – you should be able to do a minimum of 5 reps each set

  • Perform AMRAP (-1) each set

  • If you have to pause or lose trunk position, end the set

Core Work: 3 Alternating Sets of:

  1.  Hollow Body Hold for 15 seconds

    • No rest

  2.  Max Hollow Body Rocks

    • Rest 1 minute

  3.  Arch Body Hold for 15 seconds

    • No rest

  4.  Max Arch Body Rocks

    • Rest 2 minutes


Every 4:00 for 2-3 Sets Each:

  1. ODD:

    • 15/12 Calorie C2 Bike/Row/Ski

    • 50 Double Unders

    • AMRAP Strict Handstand Push-ups until the 2-minute mark

  2. EVEN:

    • 15/12 Calorie C2 Bike/Row/Ski

    • 50 Crossover Single Unders

    • AMRAP Bar Facing Burpees until the 2-minute mark


Wednesday 26/06/2024


Monday 24/06/2024 - Gym Closed - Outdoor Workout Available