Saturday 22/06/2024



  • 5 sets of 4 reps @ 50-60%

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Use a medium-thickness band.

    • Start at 50-60% of your 1RM Deadlift and gradually increase each set.

    • Maintain speed and proper form.

    • Increase weight by 5% 

Workout of the Day:

  • For Time:

    • 21-15-9 reps of:

      • Power cleans @ 70/45 kg

      • Back squats @ 70/45 kg

      • Burpee Pull-ups

    • Time Cap: 15 minutes

Extra Credit - L-Sit on Parallettes

  • 3 sets for max duration

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

    • Guidelines: Heels above a 20 kg plate

    • Goal: Accumulate a minimum of 50 seconds total

Extra Credit - Bar Muscle-Up Skill

Option 1: For Beginners

  • Routine:

  • Additional Drills:

    • Accumulate 10 top-to-bottom reps into the toe rise:

      • Use a box to jump to the support position of the BMU.

      • Focus on falling back into the same position as when you 'jump to hollow.'

      • 'Fall away' from the bar at the top into an "L" position with your legs.

      • Transition into the 'patient arch' position with tight legs and then into the "toe rise."

    • Accumulate 10 high bar box-supported turnovers:

      • Aim to get your arms straight as soon as possible.

Option 2: Intermediate/Advanced

  • Routine:

    • EMOM 8 minutes: 1 banded BMU from box

      • Goal: Turnover as high as possible, focus on pressing down on the bar and landing close to locked out.

    • EMOM 8 minutes: 1 BMU from box (no band)

      • Goal: Apply what you practiced with the band to non-banded reps.


Banded Deadlift

  • Sets: 5 sets of 4 reps @ 50-60%

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Use a medium-thickness band.

    • Start at 50-60% of your 1RM Deadlift and gradually increase each set.

    • Maintain speed and proper form.

    • Increase weight by 5% from last week’s load and slightly increase band tension.

Dumbbell Concentration Curl

  • Sets: 3 sets of 10 reps per side

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Perform 10 reps per side.

    • Aim for an 8/10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) per set.

Barbell Behind The Back Hold

  • Sets: 3 sets of 30 seconds

  • Rest: 90 seconds between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Choose a load that allows you to hold for 30 seconds unbroken.

    • Increase the load each set.

Workout of the day: 

21-15-9 Reps for Time

  • Power Clean: 70/45 kg

  • Toes to Bar

  • Back Squat: 70/45 kg

  • Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up

Time Cap: 15 minutes

Extra Credit Part 1: Band Assisted Strict Ring Muscle-Ups

  • Goal: Accumulate 15-20 perfect reps

  • Guidelines:

    • Perform 15-20 reps.

    • If you can do these unassisted, you may do so.

    • Aim for 4-5 sets.

Extra Credit Part 2: Ring Tick Tocks

  • Sets: 4 sets of 2-4 reps

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Accumulate 15-20 perfect reps.

    • Perform unassisted if possible.

Extra Credit Part 3: Negative Body Levers

  • Goal: Accumulate 12 perfect, slow, and controlled reps

Extra Credit Part 4: False Grip Chest To Rings Hold

  • Sets: 3 sets of 10-15 seconds

  • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

  • Guidelines:

    • Add load this week.

    • Accumulate 10-15 seconds per set.

    • Adjust body angle as needed to complete in 1-2 sets.

    • Perform with maximum effort, squeezing as hard as possible.

Extra Credit Part 5: Upper Body Mobility Focus

  • Goal: Accumulate 2 minutes in a passive hang on a bar.

  • Guidelines:

    • Break as needed.

    • Focus on actively bringing shoulders to ears.