Wednesday 16/10/2024
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on a machine of choice (bike, rower, ski, etc.)
5-10 mins: Snatch Warmup
Focus on light snatch movements and technique drills
10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2-3 sets of:
30 sec Assault bike
30 sec row
30 sec ski
Rest 90 seconds on easy bike
Increase pace each set to reach your working goal pace.
Main Workout
B. Power Circuit (3 alternating sets)
B1. Max Dual Dumbell Hang Power Snatches
30 seconds @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs) 22.5/15.8 kg (50/35 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
B2. Max Dual Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
30 seconds @ 22.5/15.8 kg (50/35 lbs) on a 50 cm (20") box
Rest 30 seconds
B3. Max Deadlifts
30 seconds @ 72% of your 1RM
Rest 30 seconds
B4. Sandbag Hold
60 seconds
Rest 3 minutes between sets
Use a moderate load that you can hold unbroken (front loaded/bearhug position).
C. Triangle Progression
4 rounds:
1 minute Assault Bike
1 minute Row
1 minute Bike erg
1 minute Ski
1 minute Rest
This is Week 6 of our "triangle" progressions, and your final chance to prepare before the retest next week. Target a pace 1-2 calories faster than your initial test. Maintain that pace through the workout.
This session will be intense.
0-5 mins: General Warmup
5 minutes on a machine of choice (bike, row, ski, etc.)
5-10 mins: Snatch Warmup
Perform light snatch technique drills
10-15 mins: Workout-Specific Prep
2-3 sets of:
30 sec Echo bike
30 sec row
30 sec ski
Rest 90 seconds on an easy bike
Increase pace each set to reach your working goal pace.
Main Workout
B. Snatch (5 sets)
5 sets of 1 rep @ 84-90% of 1RM
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Increase the weight each set, finishing around 90% of your 1RM.
C. Power Circuit (3 alternating sets)
C1. Max Power Snatches
30 seconds @ 61/43 kg (135/95 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
C2. Max Dumbbell Box Step-Ups
30 seconds @ 22.5/15.8 kg (50/35 lbs) on a 50 cm (20") box
Rest 30 seconds
C3. Max Deadlifts
30 seconds @ 72% of your 1RM
Rest 3 minutes
D. Sandbag Carry
3 sets of 90 seconds max distance
Rest 30 seconds between sets
Use a moderate load that you can carry nearly unbroken (front loaded/bearhug position).
E. Triangle Progression
2 sets of 5 rounds:
1 minute Echo Bike
1 minute Row
1 minute Ski
1 minute Rest
Rest 5 minutes between sets
Goal: Beat your original test scores (total calories accumulated on all machines, 1 cal = 1 point).
This is Week 6 of the "triangle" progressions. It is your final opportunity to prepare before next week's retest. Target a pace 1-2 calories faster than your initial test and aim to maintain that pace throughout the workout.
This will be an intense session. However, with a 5-minute break between sets, you should have enough recovery to push a faster pace compared to your initial test.