
Run Progressions

1 Mile Run @ 70-75% Max HR

  • Run 1 mile while maintaining 70-75% of your maximum heart rate (HR).

Time estimate: 7-10 minutes

  • Rest for 2 minutes

400m Run @ Max Sustainable Pace

  • Run 400 meters at your fastest maintainable pace. The goal is to keep this pace consistent for all sets.

  • Rest for 1 minute

  • Repeat for 4 sets

Time estimate: 12-15 minutes total

  • Rest for 2 minutes

1 Mile Run @ 70-75% Max HR

  • Run another 1 mile at 70-75% max HR.

  • If your heart rate goes above 75%, walk until it drops to 5 beats per minute (BPM) below 70%, then resume running.

  • Only count the mileage where you're maintaining 70-75% max HR.

Time estimate: 7-10 minutes

Total estimated time: 32-39 minutes



Friday 11/10/2024


Wednesday 9/10/2024