Saturday 16/03/2014

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.


Saturday 16/03/2014

Barbell Bench Presses

  • 4 Sets of 2.2 reps (double clusters).

  • Rest: 20 seconds between doubles

  • Goal: To Increase weight each set.

    • Rest 1 minute bt sets

Post-Open Deload Option

30-Minute EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

  1. Minute 1: 30 seconds of easy biking.

  2. Minute 2: 8 Hip Swivels + 4 Inch Worms.

  3. Minute 3: 30 seconds of easy rowing.

  4. Minute 4: 8 Cossack Squats per side.

  5. Minute 5: 30 seconds of easy skiing.

  6. Minute 6: 30 seconds of Hollow Rocks.

Repeat this sequence five times to complete the 30-minute session.


Saturday 16/03/2014

Speed and Power (2-3 Sets, Each for Time)

  • 1000/850m Bike Erg

  • 50ft Handstand Walk

  • 10 Power Snatches @ 52/36kg (115/80lbs)

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

Strength and Endurance (2-3 Sets, Each for Time)

  • 500/425m Row

  • 20 GHD Situps

  • 10 Power Clean and Jerks @ 61/43kg (135/95lbs)

    • Rest: 2 minutes between sets

Skill and Agility (Every 90 Seconds x 3 Sets)

  • 1-2 Legless Rope Climbs (20 seconds cap)

  • AMRAP Ring Push-Ups until the 45-second mark

Balance and Technique (4 Rounds)

  • 20 Sec AMRAP Pistols; rest 20 seconds

  • 2 Rope Climbs AFAP; rest 20 seconds

  • Rest as needed between rounds

Mobility and Stability (10 min AMRAP at Easy/Flow Pace)

Post-Open Deload Option (30min EMOM)

  • Min 1: 30 Second Easy Bike

  • Min 2: 8 Hip Swivels + 4 Inch Worms

  • Min 3: 30 Second Easy Row

  • Min 4: 8 Cossack Squats/side

  • Min 5: 30 Second Easy Ski

  • Min 6: 30 Second Hollow Rock

Attending the Gym only through online booking. Reserve your spot in one of our Individual or Group training sessions.