
A. Warmup

0-5 mins: General Warmup

  • 5 mins on machine of choice

5-10 mins: Clean and Jerk Warmup

10-15 mins: Workout Specific Prep

  • 2 sets:

    • 3-4 thrusters

    • 10-15 double unders

    • 3-4 wall balls

    • 2-4 Barbell Front rack reverse lunges

  • Increase pace and load every set

B. Strength

3 Alternating Sets of:

B1. Front Squat Iso Hold on the bottom of the Squat

  • Perform for 10 seconds.

  • Use the same loading as bellow on the Thrusters on each set

  • Clean the bar up

  • Rest 2 minutes

B2. Barbell Thruster

  • Set 1: 5 reps @ 65%

  • Set 2: 5 reps @ 70%

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 75% (AMRAP -1)

    • Rest as needed

    • Clean the bar up

C. Conditioning

EMOM for 18-minutes (3sets):

Minute 1: 8-12 Thrusters @ 43/30 kg
Minute 2: 30-50 Double Unders or Speed Steps
Minute 3:
8-12 Barbell Hang Squat Cleans @ 43/30kg
Minute 4: 30-50 Double Unders
Minute 5:
8-12 Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges @ 43/30 kg
Minute 6: Rest

  • Cap each movement at 40 seconds

  • Feel: Moderate intensity with emphasis on speed and efficiency.

Extra Credit - Gymnastics / Skill Work

Option 1: Got None

Wall Walk Skill

  • Accumulate 10-12 wall walks with focus on minimal steps

  • Log steps towards wall and back for each set

Wall Walk for Time

  • Perform 10 wall walks for time

  • Maintain step count established above for reps to count

  • Log time as score

Option 2: Got Some

  • Perform 8 wall walks for time

  • Rest 2 mins

  • Repeat for 4 sets

  • Establish and maintain step count for reps to count



0-5 mins: General warmup

  • 5 minutes on a machine

  • 5-10 mins: Clean and Jerk warmup

  • 10-15 mins: Workout specific prep

Workout Specific Prep:
Perform 2-3 sets of:

  • 20 sec ski

  • 3-4 thrusters

  • 10-15 double unders

  • 3-4 wall balls

  • 2-4 DB step-ups

Rest 90 sec between sets. Increase pace and load each set.

(Optional - Part) / 3 Alternating Sets of:

Sandbag Iso hold on Jerk dip position for 10 seconds

  • Ramp effort from 60% to 100% within 10 seconds.

  • Rest 2 minutes.

Barbell Thruster

  • Set 1: 5 reps @ 65%

  • Set 2: 5 reps @ 70%

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 75% (AMRAP -1 for max set) Rest as needed.

3 Alternating Sets of:

Barbell Hip Thrusts

  • 7-9 reps (2 reps in reserve, heavier than last week) Rest 1 minute.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curls

  • 10 reps Rest 1 minute.

Gymnastic Focus (EMOM) for 12 minutes (3 rounds):

  • Minute 1: Max Wall Walks for 30 seconds

  • Minute 2: Single Arm Plank for 30 seconds (15 sec per side)

  • Minute 3: "L" Handstand on Walls for 30 seconds

  • Minute 4: SkiErg for 30 seconds (easy pace)

EMOM for 18-30 minutes:

  • Min 1: 10-12 Thrusters @ 43/29kg (95/65lb)

  • Min 2: 30-50 Double Unders

  • Min 3: 15-25 Wall Balls

  • Min 4: 30-50 Double Unders

  • Min 5: 8-10 DB Box Step Ups @ 22,5/15kg (50/35lbs) to 61/51cm (24/20")

  • Min 6: 30 sec Ski @ 85% effort (hard but sustainable effort)

    • Target: Select a rep range that allows for fast movement and unbroken sets with minimal drop-off from start to finish. Increase your rep range from last week.

    • Feel: The workout should be moderate in intensity, emphasizing movement speed and efficiency.

Extra Credit

Every 90 seconds for 15 - 30 minutes (5-10 rounds):


Outdoor Workout - Thursday 25/07/2024


Tuesday 23/07/2024