

0-5 mins: General warmup

5-15 mins: OH Mobility and  Snatch warmup

A. Every minute, for 8 minutes (8 sets):

  • Snatch High Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Snatch Balance @ 50-60%

    • *Focus on speed and technique

B. Clean:

  • Set 1: Max reps for 30 seconds @ 60%

  • Set 2: Max reps for 30 seconds @ 65%

  • Set 3: Max reps for 30 seconds @ 70%

    • Rest 90 seconds between sets

    • *Touch-and-go allowed, accumulate as many reps as possible in any way.

C. Back Squat:

  • Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%

  • Set 2: 6 reps @ 75%

  • Set 3: 4 reps @ 85%

  • Set 4: Max reps @ 90%

    • Rest as needed

    • *AMRAP (-1) for max set


If you're feeling tired or beat up, we highly suggest that you skip all Optional and Extra Credit Work for a better deload. Remember you get better when you rest not while you are training. Less sometimes is more.

B. Every minute, for 10 minutes (10 sets):

  • 1 Snatch Balance @ 50-60%

    • *Focus on speed

C. (Optional - Skip if feel tired) - Clean:

  • Set 1: Max reps for 30 seconds @ 60%

  • Set 2: Max reps for 30 seconds @ 65%

    • Rest 90 seconds between sets

    • *Touch-and-go allowed, accumulate as many reps as possible in any way.

D. Back Squat:

  • Set 1: 8 reps @ 65%

  • Set 2: 6 reps @ 75%

  • Set 3: 4 reps @ 85%

  • Set 4: Max reps @ 90%

    • Rest as needed

    • *AMRAP (-1) for max set

    • *If sore/tired from Sizzler, drop percentages by 10%.

E. Accessory Work

2 alternating sets of:

10.10.10 Bulgarian Split Squat Pulses (per side each set)

    • *Rest 10 seconds at the top with bent knee between each set of 10

  • Rest 1 minute

10 Band Resisted RNT Overhead Squats (3030 tempo)

    • Rest 2 minutes

F. (Deload/Optional Aerobic Work - Skip if you feel tired):

  • EMOM for 15-30 minutes

    • Min 1: 30 sec C2 bike @ 75% effort

    • Min 2: 30 sec row @ 75% effort

    • Min 3: 30 sec Skierg @ 75% effort

    • *Moderate effort: You should be able to answer a question with a full sentence.

Intent: We will have a deload from intense CrossFit today due to all the tough workouts done this past weekend.

Target: Hold a smooth, consistent pace throughout, but you should be able to answer a question with a full sentence. This is a deload—let it feel like recovery!

Feel: This should be recovery-focused.

G. Extra Credit Part 1

  • Ring muscle-up skill

    • 2 "small" ring swings into 1 "max-effort" ring swing x3-4, rest as needed

      • *Focus on reaching with toes in the arch position. Think of getting as long as you can. Keep legs and knees straight. Use a towel between the feet if needed. Film each rep and watch it back before completing the next set.

    • 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing x3-4, rest as needed

      • *Keep bodyline position from "A"—add in a hip drive when you transition into the front swing (if your arms bend and your hips drive, that's okay. But keep the focus on the hip drive for this step).

H. Extra Credit Part 2

  • 2-3 sets:

    • Skierg 1 min @ 5k effort, into:

      • 10 sec transition

      • 30% AMRAP UB RMU

      • Rest 3 minutes between sets

      • *Goal is the fastest time to perform each set UB

Extra Credit Part 3

  • 2 alternating sets of:

    5 Weighted Ring Dips

    • No rest

    Ring Support Hold for max duration

    • Rest 2:30 minutes


Tuesday 6/08/2024


Saturday 3/08/2024