Thursday - Outdoor Workout 15/08/2024
Running dynamic warm up
On the 4-minute mark for 6 sets:
400m Run @ the same pace as July 29th intervals.
Immediately following the 6th set:
2.4 km Ruck @ 15 kg / 13 kg (35/30 lbs) - Smooth effort, "march pace."
2.4 km Ruck @ 15 kg / 13 kg (35/30 lbs) - HARD effort, "run/trot pace."
2.4 km Ruck @ 15 kg / 13kg (35/30 lbs) - Smooth effort, "march pace."
EMOM Warm-Up
Leg Swings (Frontal/Sagittal) - 45s work, 15s rest
World’s Greatest Stretch - 45s work, 15s rest
Inchworm to Push-Up - 45s work, 15s rest
Scapular Push-Ups - 45s work, 15s rest
Hip Flexor Stretch/Reach - 45s work, 15s rest
Squat to Hamstring Stretch - 45s work, 15s rest
Handstand Shoulder Taps - 45s work, 15s rest
Lunge with Overhead Reach - 45s work, 15s rest
B. 4 Sets:
B1. 3 DB Vertical Jumps
*Focus on speed and force into the floor. Use with 7-11 kg per hand
Rest: 20 secondsB2. 3 Rebounding BoxJumps
*maintain rebound
Rest: 20 secondsB3. 3 Barbell Thrusters @ 55-60% (from rack)
Rest as needed
C. 3 Sets:
C1. 16 Back Rack Reverse Lunges
8 reps per side, alternating
Rest: 30 secondsC2. 6-8 Kipping Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Aim for a tough deficit and unbroken reps
Rest: 2 minutes
D. SleddPush:
10 sets of 10 seconds @ heavy/grinding effort
Rest: 30 seconds between sets
E. EMOM (18-30 minutes):
Min 1: 10-15 Deadlifts @ 102/70 kg
Min 2: 10-15 Toes to Bar
Min 3: 10-15 Hang Power Cleans @ 52/36 kg
Min 4: 10-15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
Min 5: 15m Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 23/16 kg
Min 6: 30 seconds Ski @ Easy Effort