
A. Warm-Up (0-15 mins)

  1. General Warm-Up (0-5 mins)

  2. Snatch Warm-Up (5-10 mins)

  3. Workout-Specific Prep (10-15 mins)

    • 2-3 sets of:

      • 30 sec Assault Bike (increase pace every 10 secs)

      • 3-4 Power Snatches

      • 10-15 Double Unders

      • 3-4 Wall Balls

    • Rest: 90 secs on an easy bike

B.  Back Squat

  • Set 1: 6 reps @ 80%

  • Set 2: 3 reps @ 90%

  • Set 3: Max reps @ 95% (AMRAP -1)
    Rest as needed between sets. 

C. Snatch Complex (6 mins)

Every 3 mins for 6 mins (2 sets):

  • 2 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts

  • 2 Hang Squat Snatches

  • 2 Hang Snatch Pulls

    • Perform with a tough weight for each set

    • Small weight increases each set, aiming for a final complex at 9/10 RPE

D. Metabolic Conditioning (12 mins)

Every 3 mins for 12 mins (2 rounds):

Minutes 1-3:

  • M1: Assault Bike: 12/8 calories

  • M2: 12 Power Snatches @ 35/25 kg

  • M3: 35 Double Unders or speed steps

Minutes 4-6:

  • M4: Assault Bike: 12/8 calories

  • M5: 15 Wall Ball Shots @ 9/6 kg

  • M6: 35 Double Unders or speed steps

E. Extra Credit - Accessory Work

2 Alternating Sets of:

E1. 10 Natural Knee Extensions

  • Slow and controlled

  • Rest 10 secs

E2. Foot Elevated Single-Leg Straight Leg Iso Hold (30 secs)

  • Split into 10/10/10 sec holds

  • Rest 5 secs between each hold

  • Rest as needed after each set


A. Warm-Up (0-15 mins)

  1. General Warm-Up (0-5 mins)

  2. Snatch Warm-Up (5-10 mins)

  3. Workout-Specific Prep (10-15 mins)

    • 2-3 sets of:

      • 30 sec Assault Bike (increase pace every 10 secs)

      • 3-4 Power Snatches

      • 10-15 Double Unders

      • 3-4 Wall Balls

    • Rest: 90 secs on an easy bike

B. Snatch Complex (9 mins)

3-4 sets:
Every 3 mins for 9 mins (3 sets):

  • 2 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts

  • 2 Hang Squat Snatches

  • 2 Hang Snatch Pulls


  • Perform each set with a challenging weight

  • Small weight increases each set, aiming for a final complex at 9/10 RPE

C. Squat Clean Intervals (4 mins)

12-15 sets:
Every 20 secs for 4 mins (12 sets):

  • 1 Squat Clean @ 75%


  • If you fall off pace, stop & rest 2 mins, then continue where you left off

  • If you start failing excessively, reduce to 70% or stop the workout

D. Back Squat

  • Set 1: 6 reps @ 70%

  • Set 2: 6 reps @ 80%

  • Set 3: 3 reps @ 90%

  • Set 4: Max reps @ 95% (AMRAP -1)

Rest as needed between sets.

E. Accessory Work

2 Alternating Sets of:

E1. 10 Natural Knee Extensions

  • Slow and controlled

  • Rest 10 secs

E2. Foot Elevated Single-Leg Straight Leg Iso Hold (30 secs)

  • Split into 10/10/10 sec holds

  • Rest 5 secs between each hold

  • Rest as needed after each set

F. Metabolic Conditioning (18 mins)

Every 3 mins for 18 mins (3 rounds):

Minutes 1-3:

  • Assault Bike: 12/8 calories

  • 12 Power Snatches @ 35/25 kg

  • 35 Double Unders

Minutes 4-6:

  • Assault Bike: 12/8 calories

  • 15 Wall Ball Shots @ 9/6 kg

  • 35 Double Unders


  • Adjust reps to maintain a hard effort but stay under 1:45 per set

G. Extra Credit Part 1: Ring Swing Practice

4-8 sets:

  • 1 "max-effort" ring swing + open hip front swing WITH aggressive pull to shoulders

Rest as needed between sets.

Video Reference: Max Effort Swing + Open Hip Front Swing With Pull To Shoulders

H. Extra Credit Part 2: SkiErg and Ring Muscle-Ups

2-3 Sets:

  • SkiErg 1 min @ 5k effort

    • 10 sec transition

  • 35% AMRAP Unbroken Ring Muscle-Ups (UB RMU)

    • Rest 3 mins between sets

Goal: Fastest time to perform each set unbroken (UB)

Video Reference: Muscle-Up

I. Extra Credit Part 3: Weighted Ring Work

2 Alternating Sets of:

I1. 1.1.1 Weighted Ring Dips

  • No rest

I2. Weighted Ring Support Hold (30 secs)


Tuesday 20/08/2024


Saturday - Outdoor Workout 17/08/2024